[pulseaudio-discuss] Equalizer ... ?
wellington wallace
2018-06-04 19:27:26 UTC
If I set the equalizer and do almost anything with media besides just
listening, the equalizer becomes disengaged - sometimes just by
amarok starting to play the next track. Also, the way it handles
saved presets is not very good.
FWIW: yesterday another KDE user also complained on the #quodlibet IRC
channel about having similar issues (he also used the PA equalizer).
I wonder if this is something KDE-specific, or if it has something to
do with the equalizer?
Jan Claeys
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
Hi. Pulseeffects developer here. At list for my application there are known
issues that affect only ubuntu and kde users that will be fixed in the next
Pulseaudio release. Until this happens you can use one of the workarounds
at PulseEffects FAQ https://github.com/wwmm/pulseeffects/wiki/FAQ. Feel
free to open an issue there in case none of the points mentioned at FAQ can
help you.

Best regards,
Prof.° Wellington Wallace Miguel Melo

CEFET/RJ Uned Nova Iguaçu
Nikita Zlobin
2018-06-04 10:14:49 UTC
In Mon, 4 Jun 2018 03:03:27 -0400
2) *pulse effects*: has a ton of features including systemwide EQ,
but on my system adds noise/distortion even without any effects
enabled (just used as a passthrough).
I use these sometimes to enhance sound from laptop dynamics. The only
issue - it makes audio systme slightly less stable. For best result you
need to normalize filter so, that no bands are bigger than +0db - or you
may have distortion occasionaly. Before EQ i have compressor (sound,
corrected by EQ is anyway going to be somewhat still), after EQ -
output limiter (another measure against distortion).

Probably, could be more optimal, yet pulseeffects is python app... :/
Finally, you can pipe PA output to JACK and use Calf (so you don't
have to worry about PA-mandatory applications), however this setup is
fiendishly complex in terms of the amount of stuff you have to add to
your audio pipeline, and if/when an application's sound doesn't work,
you're hosed. I tried this and simply could not figure out why VLC
worked fine but Firefox was silent.
Doesn't VLC play through jack, when it is started? Very possible, that
firefox continues trying to play via soundcard, which it is busy by
jack. If you try to run player via PA, playing to soundcard, you will
notice, that playback time doesn't even tick... In this case you have to
manually move playback and other streams to jack. Unfortunally, simple
marking of jack sink as fallback doesn't make all PA clients to use it
even after restart (probably PA remembers prefered sink/sources, what
is both feature and issue depending in case).
wellington wallace
2018-06-05 02:22:46 UTC
Post by Nikita Zlobin
In Mon, 4 Jun 2018 03:03:27 -0400
* 2) *pulse effects*: has a ton of features including systemwide EQ,
*>>* but on my system adds noise/distortion even without any effects
*>>* enabled (just used as a passthrough).
Post by Nikita Zlobin
I use these sometimes to enhance sound from laptop dynamics. The only
issue - it makes audio systme slightly less stable. For best result you
need to normalize filter so, that no bands are bigger than +0db - or you
may have distortion occasionaly. Before EQ i have compressor (sound,
corrected by EQ is anyway going to be somewhat still), after EQ -
output limiter (another measure against distortion).
Probably, could be more optimal, yet pulseeffects is python app... :/
Yesterday I released PulseEffects 4 and it is a total rewrite from
Python to C++. So you may be happy with this :-)

But honestly I wouldn't expect major performance improvements as all
the hard work was never done in pure Python.

All the plugins used in PulseEffects were written in C or C++ by their
authors. My main reasons for the port to C++ were:

1) In C++ I can use the native Pulseaudio and GStreamer api while
being able to use high level languages features. The Pulseaudio
wrapper in PulseEffects 3.x and before was written by myself and it
did not have a great quality. GStreamer wrapper for Python is good but
did not have bindings for everything I wanted to use. Things like
gsettings_binding_with_mappings for example...

2) At least for me it is easier to debug multithreading bugs and
segmentation faults in C++ than in Python

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 4:27 PM, wellington wallace <
Post by Nikita Zlobin
If I set the equalizer and do almost anything with media besides just
listening, the equalizer becomes disengaged - sometimes just by
amarok starting to play the next track. Also, the way it handles
saved presets is not very good.
FWIW: yesterday another KDE user also complained on the #quodlibet IRC
channel about having similar issues (he also used the PA equalizer).
I wonder if this is something KDE-specific, or if it has something to
do with the equalizer?
Jan Claeys
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
Hi. Pulseeffects developer here. At list for my application there are
known issues that affect only ubuntu and kde users that will be fixed in
the next Pulseaudio release. Until this happens you can use one of the
workarounds at PulseEffects FAQ https://github.com/wwmm/pu
lseeffects/wiki/FAQ. Feel free to open an issue there in case none of the
points mentioned at FAQ can help you.
Best regards,
Prof.° Wellington Wallace Miguel Melo
CEFET/RJ Uned Nova Iguaçu
Prof.° Wellington Wallace Miguel Melo

CEFET/RJ Uned Nova Iguaçu
Jason Newton
2018-06-27 07:18:51 UTC
Disclaimer: I know the programs I'm talking about are really
applications and not part of the core of pulseaudio that gets so much
loving attention on this list, but if anybody knows about this, they're
here. I hope I'm not too far off topic.
I'm not asking anyone to solve the specific issues mentioned below. I'm
asking about the situation in general.
I have been using the pulseaudio equalizer and pulseaudio volume control
for some time. They do things I don't know how to do any other way on
kubuntu (16.04 - 18.04 soon).
Neither of these applications are fully integrated into kubuntu and
neither work perfectly. If not here, where should I ask for improvements
or alternatives (that an end user can configure - i.e. *not* jack)?
Notably, if I set the volume > 100% on pulseaudio volume control and
then press volume up or down on my keyboard, the volume always goes back
to 100% or lower.
If I set the equalizer and do almost anything with media besides just
listening, the equalizer becomes disengaged - sometimes just by amarok
starting to play the next track. Also, the way it handles saved presets
is not very good.
I just saw this post on Linuxquestions in a thread about what Linux is
still lacking and it motivated me to take a chance and ask about it here.
Posted by: Crippled
On: 06-03-2018 05:05 PM
---Quote (Originally by whjms)---
For me, audio capability seems to be lacking compared to Windows.
Under Windows, if you want a systemwide audio equalizer, there's Equalizer APO. You download and configure it for your output device and log out, and you can download Peace to give you a graphical parametric EQ.
1) *pulseaudio-equalizer*: the underlying PA module is due for removal, and has some pretty noticeable stutter/lag (at least 1/2 sec) when playback pauses/stops, and introduces audio hitches sometimes.
2) *pulse effects*: has a ton of features including systemwide EQ, but on my system adds noise/distortion even without any effects enabled (just used as a passthrough).
If you ditch PA and just use Alsa, there is *alsaequal*, however you run into the issue of a lot of software (e.g. Firefox) requiring PA for sound.
Finally, you can pipe PA output to JACK and use Calf (so you don't have to worry about PA-mandatory applications), however this setup is fiendishly complex in terms of the amount of stuff you have to add to your audio pipeline, and if/when an application's sound doesn't work, you're hosed. I tried this and simply could not figure out why VLC worked fine but Firefox was silent.
Maybe my use case is rare.
---End Quote---
I concur. None of those are anything near as good as any equalizer that I have experienced on Windows. It would be really nice if I could fine tune the sound coming out of my speakers. An equalizer with at least 8 different frequencies or more.
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list
Just to be sure, are you talking about this project, which relies on
the ladspa mbeq plugin? :

A) http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/system-wide-pulseaudio-equalizer.html
- this one to the best of my knowledge went completely unmaintained
and without a proper code hosting location.


B) This one http://www.webupd8.org/2013/03/install-pulseaudio-with-built-in-system.html
, which is a combination of module-equalizer-sink and the qpaeq
front-end script . Both of these can be found in pulse.

Both projects have a python GUI script and chose a fairly
straightforward naming, which resulted in far too many people not
knowing which is which when they say some subset/combination of pulse,
system, and equalizer. The articles titles and layouts and titles
look similar at first glance and generally dominate search engine
results, which along with forums (particularly ubuntu's), I believe,
perpetuated confusion.

A few points in your mail sound like you're using A) above, and I've
not had this happen in the past in B).

Setting volume should not have an effect on equalizer state or vice
versa, I've never observed a bug with that before in B) but IIRC it
was a problem in A) above. Preset situation I'd tend to agree with
but the more time I spent with equalizing the more I realized I didn't
really have a compelling need for more than named filter coefficient
saves, which is exactly qpaeq/module-equalizer-sink provides.

The thread you pull from identifies project B) and some synopses of
shortcomings (magnitude varies by samplerate and is less noticeable at
higher rates at a tradeoff of cpu) - but due for removal is only as
true as something better replacing it and cycles of replacement, it's
certainly been defunct for some years, so I wouldn't worry too much if
you're a user (including future readers) looking to find something
that works for you.

